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3 yearsFirst Name
Karthik Srivatsa
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Research Interests
My research interests are in experimental fluid dynamics, Bioengineering and MEMS
I am a Mechanical Engineer with focus in fluid mechanics and bioengineering. I worked on a variety of projects, from fluid dynamics of fish propulsion to combustion dynamics, before zeroing in on biofluid mechanics. My goal is to develop techniques for preventive diagnosis because I belive that preventing diaseases will be a bigger leap in healthcare than curing them.
Thesis Project Title
Microfluidic model of arterial thrombosis
Thesis Project Description
I am studying the pathogenesis of arterial thrombosis using a microfluidic model. I primarily focus on the role of different factors such as platelets, von Willebrand Factor (VWF), blood vessel surface and geometry on thrombosis.
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