Ki Sueng Choi

Member for

3 years
First Name
Ki Sueng
Last Name
Studying for
Research Interests

Magnetic Resonance imaging Diffusion Tensor Imaging Functional MRI Major Depressive Disorder Deep Brain Stimulation


Education • 1/09-present : Ph. D. Student in Bioengineering graduate program, BME dept., Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory University • 7/07-1/09 : Research specialist for MR image processing, Department of Psychiatry, Emory University • 12/05– 6/07 : Visiting Scholar Student at BITC (Biomedical Imaging technology center), Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory University • 3/97 – 2/06 : B.S. and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering (Signal and Image system Lab), Inje University, Korea

Thesis Project Title
Structural and functional connectivity analysis of Major Depressive Disorder population with Deep brain stimulation
Thesis Project Description

Structural and functional connectivity analysis of Major Depressive Disorder population with Deep brain stimulation. Structural connectivity analysis with Diffusion Tensor Imaging and probabilistic tractography. Functional connectivity analysis with resting state functional MRI.

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