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Lymphatics, lymphedema, obesity, near-infrared imaging, medical devices, fluid mechanics.
Tyler attended Mississippi State University for his undergraduate studies. While enrolled, he worked as an undergraduate research intern at Vanderbilt University for three consecutive summers conducting diabetes research. He recieved his Bacholor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2012. Tyler subsequently enrolled as a Bioengineering doctoral student at Georgia Tech where he joined the Laboratory of Lymphatic Biology and Bioengineering (LLBB) under Dr. J. Brandon Dixon. Tyler's research in LLBB focuses on developing non-invasive methods to quantify lymphatic function in both health and disease. In 2014 he was accepted into the TI:GER program as a PhD fellow. Tyler's TI:GER work focuses on commercialization of diagnostic and monitoring devices for lymphedema. In 2015 he was awarded an American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship for his thesis work relating to obesity and lymphatic pathologies.
Thesis Project Title
The effects of obesity, inflammation, and anti-inflammatory therapy on lymphatic function during secondary lymphedema
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