Three Minutes, Infinite Impact: 2024 3MT Winners Announced

3MT winners
The ninth annual Georgia Tech Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition concluded on Friday, April 5, where 12 scholars shared their groundbreaking research through electrifying and informative three-minute-long presentations. Four graduate students emerged victorious, each winner taking home research travel grants.
Congratulations to the 2024 Three Minute Thesis Winners:
Master's Winner
Karina Bhattacharya, MID, Industrial Design
The master’s category winner won a $1,000 research travel grant.
Overall Ph.D. Winner
Alexandra Patterson, Ph.D. Bioengineering
First Runner Up
Kantwon Rogers, Ph.D. Computer Science
Second Runner Up
Valeria Juarez, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
The first-place Ph.D. winner won a $2,000 research travel grant. The Ph.D. first runner-up
Won a $1,500 research travel grant, and the second runner-up won a $1,000 runner-up grant.
First runner-up, Kantwon Rogers also won the coveted People's Choice award,
which earned him an additional $500 research travel grant.
The Office of Graduate Education coordinates tech’s 3MT competition in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), The Naugle Communications Center, and the Language Institute. For more information about this year’s 3MT Competition, visit