BioE PhD Proposal Presentation- Shelley Gooden

Advisor: Lakshmi Dasi, Ph.D., School of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 


Committee Members 

Dr. Ajit P. Yoganathan, Ph.D., School of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 

Dr. Mularidhar Padala, Ph.D., School of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University 

Dr. Brandon Dixon, Ph.D., School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 

Dr. Vinod H. Thourani, M.D., Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Piedmont Heart Institute 

Dr. Konstantinos Dean Boudoulas, M.D., Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center 


Predicting Biomechanical Implications of Transcatheter Atrioventricular Valve Interventions

Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation are common valvular disorders in the United States, with 1.7% of the general population and 9.3% of those age 75 years and older having mitral regurgitation and 1.6 million with at least moderate tricuspid regurgitation. For those deemed high-risk for surgical treatment by a heart team, minimally invasive transcatheter therapies can be used. Therapies include transcatheter edge-to-edge repair and transcatheter valve replacement. While clinical results show promising outcomes, fluid mechanic implications of post-operative hemodynamics are not fully understood. This research proposal aims to study pre- and post-intervention hemodynamics, including diastolic ventricular flow velocity and vorticity, fluid stresses, valve and outflow tract pressure gradient and recovery, effective orifice area, and particle washout, with the goal of developing predictive algorithms. An in vitro flow set-up allowing reliable reproduction of in vivo conditions will be used to assess these parameters on parameterized and patient-specific anatomies as well as on animal valves. Both engineering and clinical techniques will be used, such as particle image velocimetry and echocardiography. Studying how these hemodynamic parameters are effected by transcatheter repair and replacement can improve clinician knowledge in device selection for patients in need of transcatheter mitral and/or tricuspid valve therapy.