BioEngineering is the merging of engineering with biological and medical science in the study of complex living systems (human and non-human). BioEngineering research at Georgia Tech focuses on the development of innovative or improved physical and mathematical concepts and techniques that may be applied to problems in medicine and biology, including the fundamental study of biological phenomena and the development of new medical devices.
The BioE PhD program is a unique and interdisciplinary program ranked 2nd in the nation by US News and World Report. Students apply through one of the 8 participating Georgia Tech home schools or departments and students are free to work with any of the 130+ participating program faculty members. The BioE graduate program is the most innovative program available at Georgia Tech, giving the students the flexibility and creativity to create their own future.
Degree Programs

Requires a thesis based on independent study of a bioengineering research topic under the guidance of a Bioengineering Program Faculty Member and requires 33 hours of coursework comprised of a mixture of bioscience, mathematics, bioengineering, traditional engineering and elective classes.
Students do not need to apply for a Master's to pursue the PhD, and are discouraged from doing so if the PhD is their intended final degree. The majority of our admissions to the PhD program are from applicants who apply with only a Bachelor's degree.
General Requirements - Start building your future!
33 hours of integrated & flexible classes
- Engineering Fundamentals - 9 hours
- Biological Sciences - 9 hours
- Engineering Math - 3 hours
- Bioengineering & Tech Elective - 12 hours
- Responsible Conduct of Research
Timeline and milestones for the remaining program requirements are listed below.

The BioE Master's degree requires 21 hours of coursework comprised of a mixture of bioscience, mathematics, bioengineering, traditional engineering and elective classes and sucessful completion of a Master's Thesis. Some of Georgia Tech schools offer a non-thesis Master's, though most participants are enrolled via Georgia Tech's Bachelor's/Master's program.
Prospective students do not need to apply for a Master's to pursue a PhD, and are discouraged from doing so if the PhD is their intended final degree. While individual schools vary, students are generally admitted to the Masters program with no guaranty of financial support. Admission to the Master's program is as competitive as the PhD program.
General Coursework Requirements
21 hours of coursework - A balance between engineering fundamentals and biological sciences coursework is determined by the student's undergraduate background and is tailored for your success!
- Engineering Fundamentals - 3-6 hours
- Biological Sciences - 3-6 hours
- Engineering Math - 3 hours
- Bioengineering & Tech Elective - 9 hours
- Responsible Code of Conduct
Thesis will be conducted at the end of the 2nd year.

Qualified undergraduate students in the Schools of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are encouraged to apply to the Bachelor's/Master's program offered by either of those schools.
Upon meeting program requirements, students will receive a Bachelors in their home school and a Masters in Bioengineering. Eligible Georgia Tech undergraduate students may take up to 6 hours of graduate-level coursework as an undergraduate and count this coursework towards their graduate degree as well.
Bachelor's/Master's students may pursue the thesis or non-thesis Master's. Those interested are highly encouraged to engage in undergraduate research and consider continuing this research towards a graduate degree via the Bachelor's/Master's program.